學校行政 School Administrators |
201605 (103期)期所有篇 |
- 實驗教育三法後台灣另類學校發展初探 A Preliminary Study on Development of Alternative Schools in Taiwan after the Implementation of Three Experimental Education Regulations
- 以正向領導建構補救教學支持系統之研究 A Study of Applying Positive Leadership in Constructing Assistance Systems for Junior High School Remedial Project
- 資訊科技融入教學策略對國小高年級學童學習成效之研究 A Study on Learning Achievement of Integrated Information Technology into Instruction at Fifth and Sixth Grade in Elementary Schools
- 當前幼兒園師資職前教育課程的問題與因應 Current Problems of Preschool Pre-service Teacher Education Programs and Coping Strategies for That
- 校外實習教師專業學習社群發展之個案研究:以一所科技大學為例 A Case Study of the Practicum Curriculum Faculty Professional Learning Community at a Technology University
- 再構臺灣中等技職教育未來發展之策略定位 Re-constructing the Position of Taiwanese Technical and Vocational Education ( TVE) in Middle Vocational Schools
- 家長對兒童使用3C產品看法與態度之研究 Parents’ Perspectives and Attitudes: Children’s Digital-media Use
- 探索兒少保護案件在教育系統與社政系統間的合作樣貌 Explore the Model of Child and Youth Protection Services Collaboration between Education System and Social Administration System
- 頂尖大學國際化的建立――研究與實務的整合 Internationalization in Top Universities— the Combination of Researcher and Practicers’ Perspectives
- 新制教育實習年限縮減政策評析 Analysis of the New Education Internship Policy on Cutdown Service Year
- 以教育公平正義評析國民中學實施「新北市幸福晨飽計畫」 A Study of Educational Breakfast Voucher Program Based on Theory of Educational Equity and Justice