臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
201712 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 釣魚台列嶼領土主張的法律理由 The Legal Grounds for the Territorial Claim to Tiaoyutai Islands
- 海上貨物運送事件之國際管轄及仲裁 International Jurisdiction and Arbitration in Contracts of Carriage of Goods by Sea
- 海洋漁業生態補償法制:從概念認知到制度設計 The Legal System of the Marine Fishery Ecological Compensation: from the Conceptual Cognition to the Institutional Designation
- 從法治國原則論臺灣戒嚴時期制定特別法與審判之探討 A Study on Legislation of Special Laws and Trials in the Period of Martial Law in Taiwan from the Perspective of Rechtsstaat