臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
200812 (7:2期)期所有篇 |
- 公部門員工罷工問題之探討 A Study of Right to Strike for Employees in the Public Sector
- 德國專門職業及技術人員管理法制 The Legal System of Freelancer in Germany
- 併行侵權行為人暨被害人與有過失時之責任分配 The Responsibility Assignment between the Parallel Torts Perpetrators and the Victim with the Negligence at the Same Accident Occurred
- 彭明敏國際法講座記錄:臺灣、人權與自決 The Speech on the International Law Lecture of Professor Peng Ming-min:Taiwan, the Human Rights and its Self-Determination
- 從WTO談臺灣國家競爭力 Taiwan's National Competitiveness from the WTO’ s Perspective
- 海洋事務管理機制--以海洋部之設立為中心 A Report on the Management Mechanism of the Marine Affairs-Focused on the Establishment of the R.O.C Marine Ministry
- 日本北海道大學法學院與國立台灣海洋大學海洋法律研究所北海道學術座談會紀錄 The Factual Report of the Conference on the Law School of Hokkaido University, Japan and the Law of the Sea Institute of NTOU, Taiwan (R.O.C.), in Hokkaido, Japan