健康生活與成功老化學刊 Journal of Healthy Life and Successful Aging |
201911 (11:1期)期所有篇 |
- 應用文字探勘技術探討學生之戒菸經驗 Applying Text Mining Technology to Explore Student's Experiences of Quitting Smoking
- 探討藥物濫用諮詢服務團防制學生藥物濫用策略及團員輔導知能 Research on Strategies and Counseling Capability of Drug Abuse Counseling Service Group
- 健康促進學校國際認證金、銀、銅質獎學校推動歷程之研究 A Study on the Implementation Process of Health Promoting Schools with International Accreditation Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award
- 大學教育人員對於創新反毒教材推動之評價 Evaluation of University Educators on the Promotion of Innovative Anti-Drug Textbooks