202309 (21:9期)期所有篇 |
- 中國大陸居民消費不振與官方刺激消費措施評析 An Analysis of the Sluggish Consumption among the Residents of Mainland China and the Government’s Stimulus Measures
- 臺滬雙城論壇的地方治理意涵及對兩岸和平影響效應 The Local Governance Implications of the Taipei-Shanghai Twin Cities Forum and Its lmpact on Taiwan Cross-Strait Peace
- 近期美國強化對「中」科技制裁評析 An Analysis of the United States’Recent Strengthening of Technology Sanctions against China
- 從火箭軍高層人事異動看共軍戰力 An Analysis of the PLA’s Strength from High-level Personnel Movements in the PLA Rocket Force
- 在印藏人發展現況研究兼論印「中」應對策略 A Study on the Development Status of Tibetans in India and a Discussion on China and India’s Coping Strategies
- 通權達變:美「中」戰略競逐下國際社會「一個中國政策」之觀察 To Act as The Occasion Requires: Observations on the International Community’s One China Policy Under U.S. - China Strategic Competition
- 菲律賓前總統杜特蒂訪「中」之意涵與影響 Implications and Influences of Duterte’s Visit to China
- 中共新組建集團軍首任軍政首長之觀察與意涵 Observations and Implications of the First Commanders and Political Commissars of the PLA’s New Group Army