中國知識産權戰略試探--一件中國專利將等於或大於一件美國專利的經濟價值 Forward-thinking Strategies for China Intellectual Property: To Maximize Economic Value of a Chinese Patent to the Extent Accorded to a U.S. Patent
新著作權法「散布權」相關規定之檢討 The Analysis of Related Provisions Concerning the Distribution Right in New Copyright Law
智慧資本的法律定性與智慧財產證券化的可行性研究 The Legal Status of Intellectual Capital and the Feasibility Study of Intellectual Property Securitization
從美國暫時性禁制令看我國定暫時狀態之假處分--以專利侵權爭議為例 Comparative Study on the Preliminary Injunction between United States of America and Taiwan - Focus on Patent Infringement Cases