中文摘要 |
八0年代美國在高科技市場一路慘敗,但九0年代後半期卻能使經濟持續成長,而同樣也是技術大國的日本卻在過去十年呈現經濟成長停滯狀態,無法將科技優勢轉化成產業競爭力,其中關鍵之一就是科技管理。目前在日本同時具有技術與經營能耐的人,遠不足美國。這一、二年日本產官學研各界終於認識了這一點,出現全民推動「科技管理」的熱潮。本文從MOT的緣起,分析日本科管人才的需求缺口,課程與教材的供應情形,聯盟及產業界的覺醒及推動。第二部分則著重在大學獨立行政法人化前後,各大學透過技轉中心、育成中心、衍生企業的發展來落實科技管理,並分析了政府配套的支援措施。最後再以台灣的情形與之對照。Contrast to the continuous growth of the last decade in the United States, Japanese economy remains stagnated. Among various explanations, a recent awakening notion is prevailing in Japan, i.e. Japan is lack of executives who understand both technology and management. In order to fill up the gap, many universities initiate postgraduate professional MOT Programs. This paper describes the heat of MOT, including its definitions, programs, course contents and universities available in the market now. This paper also discusses the development of the University Spin-off Venture Business, and other relevant technology policies promulgated recently. These policies include turning National University into independent administrative institution, promoting, Technology Licensing Office and Incubators, and collaboration among industry and academia. Finally, we also compare the situations between Taiwan and Japan. |