201602 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣簽署自由貿易協定勞工專章的制度途徑類型與執行機制分析 An Analysis of Institutional ApproachTypes and Enforcement Mechanisms in Labor Provisions of Free Trade Agreements Signed by Taiwan with Trade Partnership
- 論大學生兼任校內助理工作之「勞工」身分爭議與相關社會保障權利:以日本大學生兼任助理之教育勞動政策及其轉換為中心 Controversy of the Undergraduate Assistants’ Working Status and their Labor Rights: The theme of Educational Labor Policies and Role Changes of Japanese Undergraduate Assistants
- 中國工傷保險與損害賠償請求競合:非典型勞動爭議 The Study of Conflicts between Claims in Industrial Injury Insurance and Civil Damages Compensations in the PRC
- 策略聯盟之運作、績效與存續:以中區人才培訓策略聯盟為例 Strategic Alliance Operation, Performance and Existence: A Case of the Central Region Human Resources Training Strategic Alliance