201012 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 出家、犯罪、立契1-6世紀僧人與法律問題的初步考察 Becoming Buddhists, Committing Crimes and Making Contracts: An Initial Research on the Leagal Facts of Buddhists between the First Century and the Sixth Century
- 休妻棄放唐代離婚法七出、義絕問題再探 A Study on Divorcing and Abandoning Wife-Focusing on Chi-Chu and Yi-Chueh in Statutes of T'ang Dynasty
- 錯斬崔寧中的冤案發生學 How Wrongs happened in Cuo Zhan CuiNing
- 清代知縣案件裁斷中的天理以婦女名節案件為主 Tian-Li in the Judgements of Magistrates in Qing: Focus on the Legal Cases Connected to Women's Chastity
- 臺灣進五十年來大學文學院法史學研究趨勢以碩博士論文為分析對象 The Research Trend of Historical Studies of Law" in the College of Liberal Arts in the Universities of Taiwan in the Last Fifty Years(1964-2009): As Seen in the Case of M.A and Ph.D. Theses
- 清代法制史研究的幾點省思從規範的角度出發 A Norm Perspective on the Studies of Qing Legal History
- 中國叢報與19世紀西方人的中國刑法觀 The Chinese Repository and Chinese Criminal Law in the Minds of Westerners of the 19th Century
- 當西風吹上東土評蘇亦工中法西用
- 禮讚唐律德國法學陶養的徐道鄰(1906-1973) Eulogizing Tang Codes"—Hsu Dau-Lin and His German Research Methods in Jurisprudence