成大法學 Cheng Kung Law Review |
202012 (40期)期所有篇 |
- 基於事實或事實行為發生非婚生父子女關係──比較法主要立法例與民法第一○六五條第一項後段撫育規範之比較觀察 Establishment of Paternal Affiliation of Illegitimate Child through Facts or Factual Actions: Comparative Observations between the Main Legislation in Comparative Laws and the Nurture Provision under Art. 1065 para. 1 pt. 2 of the Civil Code of Taiwan
- 《2019年臺越雙邊投資協定》之法律分析──對於臺商保護效益之評估 A Legal Analysis of the 2019 Taiwan-Vietnam Bilateral Investment Agreement: An Evaluation of Its Effectiveness in Protecting Taiwanese Investors
- 醫師與律師在預立照護計畫上之專業協作 Professional Collaboration between Doctors and Lawyers in Advance Care Planning