人文及社會科學集刊 Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy
201906 (31:2期)期所有篇
治水工程對選舉結果的影響:以高雄為例 The Impact of Flood Control Works on Electoral Results: The Case of Kaohsiung
有價就有假:探討華人古董藝術品市場中的贗品文化 There Will Always Be Forgeries: Situating Forgery Culture in the Chinese Antiques Market
軍閥政權與身體政治:馮玉祥主政時期的河南省放足運動及其反挫(1927–29) Warlord Regime and Body Politics: The Footbinding Liberation Movement of Henan Province under Feng Yuxiang's Rule and Its Backlash, 1927–1929
結構性脆弱的悲歌:外籍漁工的日常工作與健康經驗 The Elegy of Structural Vulnerability: Migrant Fishermen's Working and Health Experiences
原住民族部落健康與文化主權:磯崎村復健站的自主性發展歷程 Indigenous Health Promotion and Cultural Sovereignty in Taiwan: The Autonomy of the Jiqi Rehabilitation Center