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Warlord Regime and Body Politics: The Footbinding Liberation Movement of Henan Province under Feng Yuxiang's Rule and Its Backlash, 1927–1929
作者 苗延威
本研究以一起放足人員遭虐殺的事件為起點,討論民國軍閥馮玉祥掌控河南省政期間(1927–1929)發動的放足運動及其意涵。本文以官方編纂的刊物《放足叢刊》、馮玉祥的日記與回憶錄、地方志等史料為主,輔以相關文獻,對馮玉祥政權特設的河南省政府一級機關「放足處」所施行的各種行政手段以及當時的社會條件,進行歷史社會學式的考察,並指出,當纏足文化成為官署查辦取締的對象時,在軍閥政權根基仍不穩固的情況下,其纏足治理非但成效不彰,而且還將守舊身體、傳統性別秩序、封建政體和軍事對手打造為共同敵人,並引發出非預期的反挫後果。 This research aims to explore the historical-sociological implications of the footbinding liberation movement in Henan province under the rule of Feng Yuxiang, 1927–1929. Using primary data such as official documents and publications, diaries, memoirs, chorographies, and so on, and relevant literature, we start at discussing an incident where officers of the Bureau of Footbinding Liberation (fangzu chu), an ad hoc department Feng set up for anti-footbinding affairs, were violently and cruelly killed by hostile troops in western Henan, and then we examine the Bureau's administrative strategies and their social consequences. It was impossible to change the tradition with administrative power of punishment, however. At the end, we conclude that Feng's warlord regime failed in footbinding goverance because it tended to see its people who resisted the anti-footbinding efforts, together with its military rivals who were in doubt about the “revolutionary” gender order, as the enemies of society.
起訖頁 225-262
關鍵詞 馮玉祥放足運動放足處軍閥政權身體政治Feng Yuxiangthe footbinding liberation movementthe Bureau of Footbinding Liberation (fangzu chu)warlord regimebody politics
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊  
期數 201906 (31:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 有價就有假:探討華人古董藝術品市場中的贗品文化
該期刊-下一篇 結構性脆弱的悲歌:外籍漁工的日常工作與健康經驗




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