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The Elegy of Structural Vulnerability: Migrant Fishermen's Working and Health Experiences
作者 梁莉芳
與移工健康相關的研究,多從防疫與管理的觀點切入,視移工為治理的對象,較少從社會結構的角度,理解其處境。透過質性深度訪談,本研究採取結構性脆弱的分析取徑,檢視政治經濟、文化與身心動態等交互作用,如何形塑外籍漁工日常的工作與健康經驗。研究發現,在跨國脈絡下,鑲嵌於遷移體制與勞動體制的制度性安排,影響漁工的勞動條件、工作環境、職業傷病與健康。本研究希望豐富移工健康研究的分析取徑,與目前主流的研究對話;其次,國內外相關研究仍在萌芽階段,本文希望在既有的基礎上,增進學術社群與社會大眾對外籍漁工處境的理解。 The mainstream research on migrant workers' health adopts the perspective of disease prevention and management, which regards migrant workers as the subject of governance. The approach pays little attention to social infrastructures and institutional arrangements that shape their health experiences. Relying upon qualitative interviews, this study adopts the approach of structural vulnerability to examine how the intersectionality of political-economic, cultural, and psychodynamic factors affects migrant fishermen's working and health experiences in their everyday life. The research findings point out that, in the transnational context, the institutional arrangements embedded in the migration regime and labor regime impact migrant fishermen's working conditions and environment, occupational hazards, and health. Using migrant fishermen's daily experiences as the entry point of the investigation, first, this research aims to enrich the analytical approach to migrant workers' health; second, extended from the current studies, this research hopes to provide further understanding of migrant fishermen's situations and experiences.
起訖頁 263-300
關鍵詞 外籍漁工健康工作經驗結構限制結構性脆弱migrant fishermenhealthworking experiencesstructural constraintsstructural Vulnerability
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊  
期數 201906 (31:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 軍閥政權與身體政治:馮玉祥主政時期的河南省放足運動及其反挫(1927–29)
該期刊-下一篇 原住民族部落健康與文化主權:磯崎村復健站的自主性發展歷程




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