犯罪與刑事司法研究 Crime and Criminal Justice International |
202109 (35期)期所有篇 |
- 矯正人員貪污成因、歷程與防制對策之研究 Exploring the Causality, Behavioral Course, and Prevention Strategies among Correctional Staff in Taiwan
- 刑事政策與女性毒品犯的生育行為之關連性 Criminal Policy and Reproductive Behavior of Female Drug Offenders
- 一位少年觀護所收容少女出所後生活適應之研究 Life Adjustment of a Female Teenager Transition from Juvenile Detention Facility to Community
- 網路霸凌對青少年身心狀況影響之研究:中介效果的探討 A Study on the Influence of Cyberbullying on Adolescents' Physical and Mental Status by Mediating Effects