犯罪與刑事司法研究 Crime and Criminal Justice International |
201203 (18期)期所有篇 |
- 隱蔽青年之背景及自我控制與其進行偏差行為的研究 A study of the relationship between hidden youth's background, level of self-control and their engagement in deviant behaviour
- 分析社會資本的黑暗面:從青年濫藥者到濫藥毒販 Analyzing the dark side of social capital: Young drug abusers become user-dealers
- 性別及世代差異對於調查官執法態度之影響 The In uence of Gender and Generation on Taiwan MJIB Agents' Attitudes Toward Law Enforcement
- 國中生接觸偏差同儕在其衝動性格、知覺父母監與偏差行為間關聯性之仲介效果 The Mediating Effect of Junior High School Students Associating with Delinquent Peers on the Relationship between Impulsivity and Recognition of Parental Monitoring and Deviant Behavior