台灣政治學刊 Taiwanese Political Science Review |
201211 (16:2期)期所有篇 |
- 國際人權體系與在地人權保障:檢視香港種族歧視條例的立法過程 International Regimes and the Enforcement of Human Rights: The Legislative Process of the Racial Discrimination Ordinance in Hong Kong
- 檢測台灣民眾六分類統獨立場:一個測量改進的提出 Re-Examining the 6-Itemed Measurement of Citizen’s Preference on the Issue of Independence vs. Unification in Taiwan:A Proposed Advancement
- 從環境正義觀點探討曾文水庫越域引水工程計畫 Exploring the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Trans-basin Water Diversion Project from the Perspective of Environmental Justice
- 經濟投票與總統選舉:效度與內生問題的分析 Economic Voting and Presidential Elections: An Assessment of Validity and Endogeneity
- 在策略轉變與意識型態調整之間:2012年大選後民進黨中國政策的辯論 Between Strategic Change and Ideological Adjustment:The DPP’s China Policy Debate in the Aftermath of the 2012 National Elections