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面對疑似失智者遭財務濫用的風險評估與因應行動:金融業臨櫃行員的調查研究 Risk assessment and actions taken if faced with financial abuse among people suspected of having dementia: a survey of bank tellers
評論:面對疑似失智者遭財務濫用的風險評估與因應行動:金融業臨櫃行員的調查研究──劉素芬 Commentary: risk assessment and actions taken if faced with financial abuse among people suspected of having dementia:a survey of bank tellers
評論:面對疑似失智者遭財務濫用的風險評估與因應行動:金融業臨櫃行員的調查研究──莊宜芳 Commentary: risk assessment and actions taken if faced with financial abuse among people suspected of having dementia:a survey of bank tellers
作者回覆:面對疑似失智者遭財務濫用的風險評估與因應行動:金融業臨櫃行員的調查研究 Authorsʼresponse to commentary: risk assessment and actions taken if faced with financial abuse among people suspected of having dementia: a survey of bank tellers