台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
202406 (43:3期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣愛滋病毒感染防治:距離愛滋消除的最後一哩路 Progress of HIV control programs in Taiwan: the last mile to elimination of HIV infection as a health threat
- 新冠肺炎遺體是否需嚴格限制火化及禁止打開屍袋瞻仰遺容? An overview of whether deceased persons with COVID-19 need strict cremation protocols and if viewing should be prohibited
- 從引進印度移工爭議談社會與制度性歧視 Long-standing discrimination revealed by plans to introduce Indian workers
- 公衛學會五十周年紀念專文二:台灣「公共衛生核心課程基本能力驗」的發展歷史與回顧分析 Taiwan Public Health Association 50th Anniversary Commemorative Article II: development history and retrospective analysis of“The Credential Examination on Public Health Core Course Competencies”in Taiwan
- 影響持續使用居家醫療服務因素之探討 Exploring factors influencing continuation of home healthcare services
- 青少年電子煙網路暴露、素養與電子煙及紙菸使用之相關研究 Association between online exposure, literacy, and adolescent e-cigarette use and cigarette smoking
- 警消人員精神疾病識能與危機處理信心及相關因子初探 Mental illness literacy, crisis intervention confidence, and correlates among police officers and firefighters in Taiwan: a preliminary study
- 從價值觀邁向幸福感的十字路口:運用多層次模型探討個體價值、文化價值與主觀幸福感的關係 Intersection of values and well-being: using hierarchical linear models to examine the relationships between personal values, cultural dimensions and subjective well-being
- 停經後婦女從事多元運動後停止運動與再訓練對肌肉表現之影響 Effects of multicomponent exercise, detraining, and retraining on muscle performance in postmenopausal women
- 醫療服務提供者觀點下的門、急診轉診問題與挑戰 Exploring the challenges of outpatient and emergency department referral from the perspective of the health-care provider