中文摘要 |
目標:2024年11月施行「精神衛生法」,明定警消人員在執行勤務發現疑似精神病患通知與協助護送之義務等,警消人員在精神問題求助歷程及心衛照護服務的角色日趨受到重視。本研究旨在探討現階段我國警消人員精神疾病識能與危機處理信心及相關因素。方法:透過行政及警消社群媒體招募,針對現任警察及消防人員進行精神疾病識能及危機處理信心匿名網路問卷調查,共回收527名警察與338名消防員有效問卷。影響之相關因素以廣義線性模式進行分析評估。結果:警察受訪者修習精神疾患課程及接受危機處理訓練比例為41%與23%,顯著低於消防員中的57%與43%。47%警察曾因業務接觸心衛人員,低於消防員的55%。針對精神疾病識能,警消兩組的正相關因子包括未滿10年之工作年資(β警=1.34,β消=0.99; p<0.01)與親友罹患精神疾患(β警=0.67, p < 0.001;β消=0.55, p<0.05)。有關危機處理信心,因業務接觸心理衛生專業人員及接受危機處理訓練分別是影響警察(β警=0.49)及消防人員(β消=0.80)的重要因子。結論:在精神醫療去機構化的脈絡下,針對在校及在職警消人員提供精神疾患課程與危機處理訓練,是強化社區心理衛生服務品質刻不容緩的議題。 |
英文摘要 |
Objectives: With the impending implementation of Taiwan’s Mental Health Act in November 2024, the role of police officers and firefighters in assisting individuals with mental health issues in the community is more important than ever. This study aims to assess levels of mental illness literacy and crisis intervention confidence among police and firefighting personnel in Taiwan and explore potential correlates. Methods: A total of 527 police officers and 338 firefighters completed the anonymous online questionnaire survey. Results: Fewer police officers (41%) had taken courses on mental disorders than firefighters (57%), and only 23% of police officers had received training in mental crisis intervention, compared to 43% of firefighters. About half of police officers and firefighters (47% and 55%, respectively) had ever contacted mental health professionals during duty. For mental illness literacy, work experience under 10 years and having a family or friend affected by a mental disorder were positive correlates for both police officers (β=1.34 and 0.67) and firefighters (β=0.99 and 0.55). Receiving training was a prominent correlate for crisis intervention confidence in firefighters (β=0.80), while work experience with mental health professionals was more salient for police officers (β=0.49). Conclusions: To enhance community-based mental health care quality, integration of mental health into police academy curricula and provision of crisis intervention and team-based service delivery training are urgently recommended. |