台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
202308 (42:4期)期所有篇 |
- 失智症預防策略 The strategies of dementia prevention
- 過度登錄與台灣新生兒死亡率上升 Over-registration and increasing neonatal mortality in Taiwan
- 公衛學會五十周年紀念專文一:公共衛生師報考資格與執業範圍之研議始末 Taiwan Public Health Association 50th Anniversary Commemorative ArticleⅠ: deliberation on the eligibility and scope of practice for Public Health Specialists
- 台灣男性工作者的年度噪音暴露劑量和聽閾及耳石-前庭功能之相關 Study on hearing thresholds shift and otolith-vestibular function associated with annual noise exposure doses and the in male workers in Taiwan
- 台灣醫院市場競爭程度、地區付費能力與醫院收費水準 Association between hospital competition, patient ability to pay, and hospital charges
- 評論:越來越高的病人自付費用是過量品質還是就醫障礙? Commentary: does increasing patients’out of pocket expenditures create over quality or barriers to healthcare access?
- 作者回覆:越來越高的病人自付費用是過量品質還是就醫障礙? Authors' response to commentary: does increasing patients’out of pocket expenditures create over quality or barriers to healthcare access?
- 以系統性文獻回顧及統合分析法探討芳香療法對於緩解護理人員工作壓力的效果 Effects of aromatherapy on work stress among nurses -- a systematic review and meta-analysis
- 影響成年毒品施用者生活品質之相關因素探討 Factors influencing the quality of life of adults who use drugs
- 從開發人員需求探討開放政府資料於公眾健康領域之應用 Why do data practitioners utilize open government data for public health?
- 運用社群媒體於消防隊員之健康飲食介入成效:準實驗研究 Effectiveness of a social-media-delivered healthy dietary intervention among firefighters: a quasi-experimental study