台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
202306 (42:3期)期所有篇 |
- 紀念陳拱北博士:串起過去與未來的母校慶應義塾大學醫學部(第五屆陳拱北教授公共衛生紀念講座) In memory of Dr. Kung-Pei Chen: linking the past to the future of his alma mater, Keio University School of Medicine
- 台灣失智症的醫療照護 The health care for dementia in Taiwan
- 台灣應用流行病學訓練班的成立與貢獻 The establishment and contribution of Field Epidemiology Training Program in Taiwan
- 第二次《兒童權利公約》國際審查對台灣兒少公共衛生政策之啟示 The implications of the second review on the implementation of children’s rights to national policies on child public health in Taiwan
- 衛生所在新冠疫情期間偵測兒虐高風險的經驗分享 Experiences in detecting maltreatment high risk children in public health center during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 台灣兒少空氣污染治理之系統性政策回顧:兒童權利公約之觀點 Systematic policy review of air pollution governance for children in Taiwan: perspective from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- 探討台灣民間救護車公司緊急救護技術員工作環境與工作家庭衝突之相關性 Correlation between working conditions and work-family conflict in emergency medical technicians working for private ambulance companies in Taiwan
- 失智症病患家庭照顧者的健康識能之質性探討 Health literacy of family caregivers of patients with dementia: a qualitative study
- 長照A單位個案管理人員工作滿意度、角色衝突與留任意願之探討 Relationships among job satisfaction, role conflicts, and intention to stay for case managers of Tier A centers
- 以「兒童蓬勃指數」評估台灣兒童健康福祉之現況 Evaluation of children’s well-being in Taiwan by using the Child Flourishing Index