台灣青少年自殺行為:近期趨勢監測之啟示 Adolescent suicidal behavior in Taiwan: the implications of monitoring recent trends
重探人際傳播的力量:「自然幫助人模式」在社區健康傳播的運用 Re-visit the power of interpersonal communication: the implication of natural helper model in community-based health promotion
作者回覆:當代生殖消費:以跨國大型商業精子銀行為考察對象 Authors' response to commentary: contemporary reproductive consumption: a literature review of international commercial sperm banks
不同介入措施對COVID-19中重症疫情控制的成效探討 Effectiveness of different measures in reducing the daily number of moderate to severe cases of COVID-19
衛生行政機關人員的職場暴力經驗與其身心健康影響:COVID-19疫情期間的調查 Workplace violence and associations with health outcomes in public health administration agencies in Taiwan: a survey during the COVID-19 pandemic
醫師對新興傳染病疫苗強制接種政策之態度──以COVID-19為例 Attitudes among physicians toward vaccine mandates for emerging infectious disease: the case of the COVID-19 vaccine
腦中風病人住院經驗與以病人為中心照護結果之關係──以某醫學中心為例 Association between inpatient experience and patient-centered care outcomes in patients hospitalized with stroke
失智症家庭照顧者的社會支持與生活品質之相關性研究 Exploring the relationship between social support and quality of life among family caregivers of patients with dementia
行車安全用藥分級課程介入在種子藥師認知、態度及行為改變之成效評估 Evaluating the effectiveness of driving medication safety training to improve pharmacists’knowledge, attitude, and behavior