健康資訊功能整合的國際趨勢 Progress toward functional integration in health informatics: an international perspective
從國際經驗省思全民健保地區預算之分配方法 Geographical allocation of the healthcare budget in the National Health Insurance program: what can we learn from other countries?
台灣與西太平洋五國非傳染性疾病防治現況 Non-communicable diseases prevention and control: the current status in Taiwan and 5 Western Pacific Countries
姙娠糖尿病篩檢策略之成本效果分析 Cost-effectiveness analysis of screening strategies for gestational diabetes mellitus
建立全民健保職業工會財務異常管理機制之研究 Establishment of a financial anomaly management mechanism of National Health Insurance for craft unions
影響老年病人就診科別醫師使用電子病歷交換意願因素之初探研究 Factors affecting physicians’ intention to use electronic medical record exchange for older patients
台灣地區學校護理人員社會支持對其工作壓力與幸福感之中介影響研究 The mediating effect of social support on the relationship between working stress and well- being among school nurses in Taiwan