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Non-communicable diseases prevention and control: the current status in Taiwan and 5 Western Pacific Countries
作者 林宛禛曾育慧林宜靜林峻吉
目標:非傳染性疾病(non-communicable diseases, NCD)為導致全球死亡及失能最主要原因之一,約68%的死亡與罹患NCD有關,因此降低NCD的負擔,已成為各國永續發展的首要任務。本文旨在探討我國與5個西太平洋國家NCD監測指標趨勢,探究其國家社經環境背景或健康促進政策發展情形,據以呼籲我國應積極參與全球行動,及提出未來國家政策制定的參考建議。方法:運用聯合國全球永續發展指標資料庫及世界衛生組織全球衛生觀察站資料取得各國從2000年至2015年每5年NCD監測指標資料,如NCD過早死亡機率、酒精消費量、目前吸菸率、過重與肥胖率等,我國則以國家監測或運用國家調查資料計算取得。結果:隨著NCD過早死亡機率降低趨勢,各國平均餘命亦隨之增長,並以日本及韓國的NCD過早死亡機率相對較低。在危害行為表現上,韓國酒精消費量相對較高,中國及越南的消費趨勢有上升;各國目前吸菸率均呈現降低趨勢,其中男性目前吸菸率以台灣相對較低。各國過重與肥胖率仍呈現上升趨勢,其中馬來西亞及台灣男性相對較高,且兩國之身體活動不足率亦相對較高。結論:我國NCD防治仍有待改善,未來應持續重視國家整體NCD防治政策,及建置監測指標蒐集平台,以評估政策進展並與國際接軌。 Objectives: Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are one of the leading causes for global deaths and disabilities, accounting for approximately 68% of deaths. International communities have made it a top priority to reduce the burden of NCD as part of the effort to achieve sustainable development. The study intends to provide policy implications for Taiwan by investigating the trends of premature NCD mortality and risk factors in Taiwan and five other countries in the Western Pacific Region. Methods: The paper retrieved 2000-2015 data for five countries from the UN Global SDG Indicators Database and WHO Global Health Observatory Data Repository, including premature NCD deaths, alcohol consumption per capita, prevalence of current tobacco use, and prevalence of overweight and obesity. Data for Taiwan were obtained from databases of national surveillance and surveys. Results: Increase in life expectancy was accompanied by a decreasing trend of premature NCD mortality in each country. In Japan and South Korea, premature NCD mortality was relatively low, compared to other countries. In terms of behavioral risk factors, South Korea’s alcohol consumption per capita was higher, while China and Vietnam experienced a rising trend. Prevalence of current tobacco use in all countries was decreasing, with the lowest male smoking rate in Taiwan. However, trend of overweight and obesity was on the rise in all countries. Malaysians and Taiwanese males had higher prevalence than other populations. Similarly, physical inactivity rate was higher in these two countries. Conclusions: NCD prevention and control in Taiwan need to be strengthened. We suggest that a comprehensive NCD prevention framework be implemented, including development of a surveillance system conducive to monitoring, evaluation and international comparison.
起訖頁 372-385
關鍵詞 非傳染性疾病過早死亡健康促進政策non-communicable diseasespremature deathhealth promotion policy
刊名 台灣公共衛生雜誌  
期數 201908 (38:4期)
出版單位 台灣公共衛生學會
該期刊-上一篇 從國際經驗省思全民健保地區預算之分配方法
該期刊-下一篇 評論:台灣與西太平洋五國非傳染性疾病防治現況




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