民眾對全民健保給付合理論責機制之態度調查 Employing accountability for reasonableness in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance: exploration of public opinions
促成獎勵措施對於甘比亞接受都治治療的肺結核病人生活品質影響之研究 The effects of the enablers incentive package on the quality of life among tuberculosis patients receiving DOTS in the Gambia
學校結盟藥師推動正確用藥教育提升用藥知識、效能與行為之成效評價 Evaluating the effects of school-pharmacist partnerships to improve medication knowledge, efficacy and behavior
K他命膀胱炎患者中止物質濫用歷程之探究 The desistance process of substance abuse in people with ketamine cystitis
母親接受子宮頸抹片篩檢及女兒接種HPV疫苗之相關因素分析──以桃園市育有12-17歲青少女之母親為例 Factors associated with mothers’ health behaviors with regard to receiving Pad-smear screening for themselves and human papillomavirus vaccination for their adolescent daughters in Taoyuan City: a health belief model approach