台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201802 (37:1期)期所有篇 |
- 誤用彈性安全下的健康衝擊:以勞動基準法再修為例 The health impact of misinterpreted flexicurity
- 建置公私協力的傳染病防治戰備物資體系——從全球CEPI聯盟與美國的BARDA談起 Establishing a public-private partnership for infectious disease control -- start from CEPI and BARDA
- 利用文字探勘建立醫學主題詞與基因名稱之關聯性 Associations between medical subject headings and gene names based on text-mining in PubMed
- 石綿暴露工作者的職業健檢:職業醫學專科醫師的觀點 Occupational health examination of asbestos-exposed workers: viewpoints of occupational health physicians
- 發展台灣工作者職場內外心理壓力強度評估表之質性訪談初步驗證 Verification of a pilot qualitative interview about the development of an intensity scale of psychological stress induced by life events inside and outside of the workplace for Taiwanese workers
- 乳癌及大腸癌篩檢不平等評估——反轉公平假說之檢視 Assessing inequalities in breast and colorectal cancer screening - testing the inverse equity hypothesis
- 罹患肺結核的移工在台灣醫療照顧制度中的治療經驗與賦權 The treatment experience and empowerment of migrant workers with tuberculosis in Taiwan 's medical care system Yu-Hui Huang, Wei-Hsian Chi
- 合併精神疾病對癌症延遲診斷與治療之相關性 Associations of psychiatric disorders with delay in diagnosis and treatment of cancer
- 早期太極拳運動對慢性阻塞性肺疾住院病患之運動耐力、焦慮憂鬱及生活品質的長期成效 Long-term effects of early Tai Chi on exercise tolerance, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in hospitalized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- 評論:早期太極拳運動對慢性阻塞性肺疾住院病患之運動耐力、焦慮憂鬱及生活品質的長期成效 Industrial accident compensation insurance in Japan: implications for workers ' compensation reform in Taiwan
- 日本的勞災保險制度:對台灣職災保險改革的啟示 Commentary: long-term effects of early Tai Chi on exercise tolerance, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in hospitalized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease