台灣地區極低出生體重早產兒兩歲追蹤結果對於五歲發展預後之預測 Predicting 5-year developmental outcomes in very low birth weight preterm infants based on the 2-year follow-up evaluation
不吸菸者對於二手菸接受意願與願受價格之初探 A pilot study to estimate the willingness to accept of the secondhand smoking from current non-smokers
台灣學齡前兒童電視觀賞時間的相關因素及其對肥胖之影響:一項橫斷性研究 Influence of amount time watching television on obesity and associated factors among preschool children in Taiwan: a cross-sectional study
電視食品廣告暴露對國小學童飲食相關行為的影響 The influence of television food advertising exposure on eating-related behaviors among elementary school children
以健康信念模式探討台灣北部大學生接種人類乳突病毒疫苗之行為意圖及相關因素研究 Factors associated with university students' intention to receive human papillomavirus vaccination in northern Taiwan: a heath belief model approach
台灣新竹縣市廢棄藥物檢收行為與品項調查 Behavior and item survey of disposed medicines in Hsinchu, Taiwan