台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201208 (31:4期)期所有篇 |
- 美國癌症登記及老人醫療保險資料庫之發展與應用──論台灣癌症登記與健康保險聯結資料庫之可行性 Development of the TCDB-NHIRD Linked Database: what can we learn from the SEER-Medicare Database in the United States?
- 全民健康保險補充財源初探 A pilot study on supplemental revenue sources for National Health Insurance
- 青少年性騷擾受害經驗與身心適應之相關──以基隆市國中學生為例 Psychological distress and experiences with sexual harassment among junior high school students in Keelung City
- 家戶主要清潔者的蟲媒相關知識與環境風險知覺—─高雄市不同登革熱流行程度社區之比較 Vector-related knowledge and environmental risk perceptions among household hygiene keepers ─ a comparison of communities with different levels of dengue attack in Kaohsiung City
- 「西醫基層總額分科計畫」實施前後門診醫療利用差異之研究 Differences in healthcare utilization before and after implementation of the Departmental Clinics Global Budget Program
- 影響家長讓小孩接種肺炎鏈球菌疫苗之相關因素:網路調查之應用 An internet survey of factors related to parental decisions regarding pneumococcal vaccination for preschool children
- 花蓮縣偏遠與非偏遠地區民眾對於基層醫療保健服務的使用與需求之比較 A comparison of the utilization of and needs for primary healthcare services among residents in non-remote and remote areas of Hualien County
- 雪山隧道通車對宜蘭縣急性心肌梗塞病患救治結果之影響 Did the treatment outcomes for Yilan’s acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients improve after the opening of the Hsuehshan Tunnel?