他山之石——美國和澳洲執行「公開揭露」機制之經驗與啟示 A comparative study of the “open disclosure” policy in the United States and Australia: lessons for Taiwan
使用混合藥物Polypill作為心血管疾病的預防策略之評估 Evaluation of the effectiveness of a “Polypill” as a strategy for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
台北市居家廢棄藥物檢收調查研究 Investigation of the disposal of expired and unused medicines in households in Taipei
醫師臨終之醫療資源耗用――醫師病人是否不同? Physicians’ medical resource consumption at the end of life: do physician-patients behave differently?
台灣腦中風病人急性後期照護需要之探討 The need for post-acute care for stroke patients in Taiwan
長期照護機構高風險群老人跌倒因素與防跌課程介入成效之探討 Risk factors associated with falling and the effects of fall prevention programs for the elderly in long-term care institutions
國際台北花卉博覽會展場空氣中微生物菌種與濃度分布 Profile of airborne microbes at the Taipei International Flora Exposition
Distribution and determinants of blood lead levels in kindergarten children in Taiwan, 2011