臺灣科技法學叢刊 Taiwan Science & Technology Law Journal |
202012 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 虛實競爭與科技運用新型數位銀行之業務、風險及監控 The Use of Technology in the Competition between Virtual and Real Subjects: Business, Risk and Monitoring of New Digital Banks
- 越南植物品種權法制規範與實務分析 PVP Regulation and Statistics in Vietnam
- 德國聯邦最高法院BGH對個人資訊自決權與網路言論自由間之比重衡量以2018年「Jameda」醫師評價網站一案之判決為例 The Opinions of the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Weighing Personal Information Self-Determination and Online Freedom of Speech: A Case Study of the Judgment Involving the Doctor Rating Portal “Jameda” in 2018
- 從美國雲法案談數位時代域外取證立法與衍生爭議 Legal Study on Cross-Border Access to Electronic Data for Law Enforcement and the Impact of U.S. CLOUD Act
- 歐盟資料保護基本規則之適用範圍 The Application of the European General Data Protection Regulation