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PVP Regulation and Statistics in Vietnam
作者 許舜喨
政府自1994年起推動「加強對東南亞地區經貿工作綱領」,2015年啟動新南向政策,目標針對東南亞國協會員國,持續發展與深化經貿往來。在我國對東協國家的所有投資當中,越南佔比高達三分之一。越南早於1991年簽署1991年版的植物新品種保護國際公約,嗣經多次修法,2009年越南國會將植物新品種之智慧財產權保護納入其「智慧財產權法」中。自2016年12月24日起,擴大將所有植物種類納入適用品種權的申請與保護範疇。越南的品種權審查實務,著重在商業新穎性以及性狀特性之可區別性(Distinctive)、一致性(Uniform)、及穩定性(Stable)的審查,性狀審查之原則性標準,乃遵循UPOV 1991公約之規範。越南官方資料顯示,至2016年,品種權申請案累計共有733件,當中本國申請案為524件,外國申請案為209件。最大宗的申請植物種類為稻米,其次為玉米。為因應加入CPTPP,越南自2019年1月14日起生效的新規定,將被告的權利及原告損害賠償的計算,擴大適用於所有智慧財產權類型,對於品種權侵權訴訟及損害賠償的舉證及計算方式將造成重大的衝擊。
Taiwan has been promoting trade partnerships with the ASEAN countries since 1994. The ‘New South Bound Policy’ initiated since 2015 aimed to deepen regional cooperation in Southeast Asia. Among the ASEAN countries, Vietnam accounts for one third of Taiwan’s total investment in Southeast Asia. Vietnam signed the ‘International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, UPOV’ in 1991 and has since then, been amending domestic laws to be in compliance with the convention. In 2009, Vietnam incorporated new plant variety right into its intellectual property right protection laws. Later, the ban on non-listed plants not suitable for legal protection has been lifted since 2016. Current examination standards follow the UPOV 1991 guidelines with focuses on novelty, distinctiveness, uniformity, and stability. According to statistics, up to 2016, there have been altogether 733 applications, with 209 foreign cases and 524 local cases. The most filed plant is rice followed by maize. In response to CPTPP membership effected since 2019, Vietnam amended rights and rules concerning defendant and indemnity calculation in its intellectual property laws. Such new regulation has been expanded to cover all sorts of intellectual property rights and will likely cause impact on the plant variety right protection system.
起訖頁 31-51
關鍵詞 植物新品種保護國際公約智慧財產權法品種權民事侵權International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of PlantsUPOV 1991Intellectual Property RightsPlant Variety RightCivil LiabilityInfringement
刊名 臺灣科技法學叢刊  
期數 202012 (1期)
出版單位 財團法人資訊工業策進會科技法律研究所
該期刊-上一篇 虛實競爭與科技運用新型數位銀行之業務、風險及監控
該期刊-下一篇 德國聯邦最高法院BGH對個人資訊自決權與網路言論自由間之比重衡量以2018年「Jameda」醫師評價網站一案之判決為例




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