文史臺灣學報 Taiwan Studies in Literature and History |
202110 (15期)期所有篇 |
- 複數的本土:向陽的詩藝歷程與展演 Multiple Nativism:Poetic Art History and Performance of Xiang-Yang
- 向陽考──詩刊作為途徑 A Study of Hsiang Yang--Poetry Magazines as Method
- 論向陽童詩的視覺思維 Research on Visual Thinking in Children's Poem by Xiang Yang
- 向陽〈咬舌詩〉的音樂轉譯 Translating Xiang Yang's 'Bite Tongue Poem' into Music
- 報導文學敘事規約再思考──以〈台灣報導文學的虛構敘事規約〉為探討範疇 Thoughts on Narrative Convention of Journalistic Literature of Hsiang Yang: Based on Fictional Narrative Convention of Journalistic Literature in Taiwan
- 台灣文學轉譯初探──以桌遊《文壇封鎖中》為例 A Preliminary Study on Board Game's Function of Reculturation:Literature Lockdown and Taiwan Literature
- 跨域知識的建構與特殊主體的疆界:論郭明昆的語文改革實踐 Interdisciplinary Construction and the Border of Particular Subject:Analysis about the Practice of Kueh Bîng-khun(Kuo Ming-kun)'s Taiwanese Language and Literature Reform