在臺外籍生華語學業情緒之實徵研究——以桃園地區大學為例 Empirical Research on Academic Emotions of Foreign Students Learning Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan: The Example of Taoyuan-area Universities
臺灣華語電視廣告雙關語分析及教學應用 Analysis and Pedagogical Applications of Puns in Taiwanese Mandarin TV Commercials
泰北華文教育發展歷程 The Development of Chinese Education in Northern Thailand
華語畢業生的創業大話中文 Startup of graduates from Second Language as Chinese: Dahua Chinese
遠距華語文同步線上課程「學習環境」影響學習成效之探討——以韓國同德女子大學線上華語課程為例 A study of how ''learning environment'' in synchronous distance Chinese online courses affect learning outcomes: Taking the online Chinese courses of Dongduk Women's University in South Korea as an example
談臺灣本土的華語學習與應用 The Chinese learning and application in Taiwan
零起點混成式班級經驗分享 The sharing of teaching zero-based blended class