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The Development of Chinese Education in Northern Thailand
作者 傅柏維
Due to political, economic and other factors, there are constantly Chinese migrating to southeast Asian countries. In order to maintain social and cultural links with the motherland, and in addition to the characteristics of Chinese people who attach importance to education, overseas Chinese set up Chinese schools in Chinese communities to teach Chinese language and culture to their children. Due to the differences in migration period, migration factors and influence on Thai society, the development of Chinese education in northern Thailand is quite different from that in other areas. This study intends to explore the development of Chinese society and Chinese education in northern Thailand compared with other parts of Thailand, as well as the different factors in the present situation. Through literature analysis, this paper explores the migration and development of Chinese immigrants in northern Thailand and the differences in the development of Chinese education between northern Thailand and other regions. It is found that the development of Chinese education in northern Thailand is different from that in other regions, as the Chinese immigrants from northern Thailand play an important role in stabilizing the political situation in northern Thailand, the R.O.C government keeps close contact with the Chinese immigrants from northern Thailand, and continues to invest resources to local Chinese education.
起訖頁 62-76
關鍵詞 泰北華人華文教育泰北華校泰國華校Thai ChineseChinese EducationChinese SchoolNorthern Thailand
刊名 華語學刊  
期數 202112 (31期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣華語電視廣告雙關語分析及教學應用
該期刊-下一篇 華語畢業生的創業大話中文




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