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Analysis and Pedagogical Applications of Puns in Taiwanese Mandarin TV Commercials
作者 陳雅芳 (Ya-Fang Chen)
Pun is one of the most common rhetoric methods in Chinese. Within a particular context, it intentionally forms sentences with dual semantics, so as to achieve the purpose of “saying one thing while meaning another”. The usage of puns can enhance the appeal of the language. Therefore, many advertisements use puns to increase its memorability towards consumers and to achieve advertising benefits through television and sound transmission. As their Chinese proficiency improves, Chinese language learners have more opportunities to enlarge their exposure to authentic materials. They should also be aware of common rhetoric used by native Chinese speakers. Studies related to puns are mostly discussed in terms of rhetoric and pragmatics. In contrast, the studies of puns analysis in Chinese TV commercials and applied in Chinese language teaching are relatively few. In this article, we observed 738 TV commercials mainly in Chinese in Taiwan and collected a total of 208 slogans with puns, then analyzed and sorted the types of advertising puns and made pedagogical suggestions.
起訖頁 44-61
關鍵詞 雙關語電視廣告雙關語教學華語教學語境PunCommercial FilmTeaching PunsTeaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language
刊名 華語學刊  
期數 202112 (31期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 在臺外籍生華語學業情緒之實徵研究——以桃園地區大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 泰北華文教育發展歷程




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