華語學刊 TCSL Forum |
202012 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 華語密集班課堂的教學階段、偏誤回饋與糾錯策略 An Analysis of Phases of Instruction, Error Corrections and Corrective Strategies in Intensive Chinese Language Courses
- 淺談臺灣拓展印度華語教育之前與後 Brief Probe into the Development of Mandarin Education in India: Before and After Taiwan's Engagement
- 比較冷的臺灣 My Slovenia life
- 揭開雪國的神秘面紗:俄羅斯華語教學記事 A Dairy of Chinese Teaching in Russia
- 捷克華語教學觀察 An Observer’s Notes on Mandarin Courses in the Czech Republic
- 外派德國教學記實 An Observation of Teaching Chinese in the Department of Economics
- 2020線上教學風暴 Reflection of Online Classes
- 僑委會海外華語師資培育課程經驗談 Sharing the Experience on the Overseas Chinese Teacher Training Program of Overseas Community Affairs Council
- 從中文教學助理到中文講師的成長之路 From a Chinese Teaching Assistant to a Chinese Instructor
- 難忘的歐吉桑 An Unforgettable Person in Taiwan
- 臺灣最美的風景(武氏玉) The Most Beautiful Scenery in Taiwan
- 臺灣最美的風景(阿籃) The Most Beautiful Scenery in Taiwan
- 我最喜歡的風景──士林夜市 My Favorite Place in Taiwan: Shilin Night Market
- 臺灣最美的風景(黃玉芳鸞) The Most Beautiful Scenery in Taiwan
- 臺灣最美的風景(鄧甫奇) The Most Beautiful Scenery in Taiwan
- 我所認識的臺灣 What I Know about Taiwan
- 我最喜歡的一首詩 My Favorite Poem in Chinese
- 法國與臺灣的文化差異 The Cultural Differences Between Taiwan and France
- 我最喜歡的一句中文 My Favorite Famous Quote in Chinese
- 109年教育部華語教學資源中心:新南向專班華語師資培訓班課程設計與實施成果報告 Teaching of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages Training Authentication Project Reports