犯罪所得優先發還被害人――簡析新刑法之發還條款 The Preference of Returning Proceeds of Crime to the Victim–An Analysis of the Returning-Provision of the Amended Criminal Code
從商法特色論民商合一制度 How to Combine Civil and Commercial Codes: Considering the Special Features of Commercial Law
當記者遇上警察――論集會遊行之新聞取材界限 A Study on the Limitation of Newsgathering in the Protestant Activity
臺灣政府採購法與新版政府採購協定之制度比較與因應 The Comparative Study of Government Procurement Act in Taiwan and the Revised WTO Agreement on Government Procurement
死後人工生殖子女之法律地位――以日本最高法院平成十八年九月四日判決為例 The Legal Status of Children Born from Artificial Reproduction after Their Fathers’ Deaths: An Analysis from a Sep.4, 2006 Verdict of the Supreme Court of Japan
「複製動物食品」風險之問題、省思與芻議 The Risk and Management Design of 「Cloned Animals as Food」