台灣證交法強制公開收購制度之合憲性及改革論議 On the Constitutionality of the Mandatory Public Tender Offer Rule in the Taiwanese Securities Exchange Act and Its Reform Issue
地理標示保護之商標法與公平交易法的交錯 The Interface between Trademark Law and Competition Law on the Protection of Geographic Indications
結果加重犯與結果加重犯之共同正犯(上)──學說與判例及判決之分析檢討 Aggravated-Result Offenders and Co-Offenders Thereof An Analysis on Theory, Precedents, and Judgments
違反訴訟迅速原則之法律效果 Legal Effects Against the Speedy Trial Principle
法庭錄音的公開及其限制──司法獨立、司法課責與隱私保護 Public Access to Audio Court Recordings and Its Limits—Judicial Independence, Judicial Accountability, and the Protection of Individual Privacy
論制定住宅租賃專法之必要性 On the Necessity of Residential Tenancies Act
添附、看作、專利進步性(下) Accession, Seeing as, and Nonobviousness in Patent Law