國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 Journal of Building and Planning |
201504 (21期)期所有篇 |
- 水煮蛋可比金字塔?一個以深度建築史穿透北京國家大劇院空間形式的批判性實踐 Is the Boiling Egg Comparable with the Louvre Pyramid? A Critical Practice of Analyzing the Spatial Form of National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing through Deep Architectural History
- 「中國正統」的建構與解離--故宮博物院之空間表徵研究 Construction and Deconstruction of a ''Chinese Orthodoxy'': Spatial Representation of the National Palace Museum
- 以保存之名:上海工業遺產再利用的初期觀察 In the Name of Conservation: A Preliminary Observation on the Reuse of Industrial Heritage in Shanghai
- 漲薪之後的剝奪與排除--富士康工人的都市狀況 Exploitation and Exclusion: Foxconn Workers' Urban Condition Following Wage Hike