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Exploitation and Exclusion: Foxconn Workers' Urban Condition Following Wage Hike
作者 夏鑄九趙慧琳
幾十萬農民工充作底層勞動力的深圳富士康廠,既是全球最大的電子製造業工廠,也是美國蘋果公司最大海外代工廠。它的龐大規模,使得廠區建成,宛如城市生成;工廠經營,亦形同一座城市的治理。本研究檢視富士康龍華廠區的工人都市狀況,從整個“富士康市”所提供的個人消費與都市服務,分析他(她]們的勞動力社會再生產,從中指認出資訊社會下“血汗勞工”的當代變貌。從富士康案例,可反省地方國家(the local state]角色和其在工人住房等集體消費問題上的放任政策。農民工沒有能力進入住宅市場完成商品消費,他們不是入住宿舍,就是成為城中村的承租者。前者,工業資本成為農民工在城市住房的壟斷供應者;宿舍既是勞動力再生產的有效管理工具,又是馴訓(discipline]二代農民工的空間。後者,城中村的超標建築密度、公共設施不足,都讓富士康勞工在社會排除下,成為斷裂城市的空間碎片。富士康工廠及周邊城中村是快速形成的龐大聚落,卻是沒有市民的城市。甚且,深圳地方政府為了產業轉型而推進的城市規劃,已誘發都市非正式部門的邁向正式化,以及工人鄰里高級化。如此富士康都市地景上階級重組的社會趨勢,正在加速深圳“世界工廠”的整體空間再結構。富士康資方回應“血汗工廠”質疑,高調實施漲薪、內遷分流以後,農民工們反倒陷入了排除加深的更極化都市狀況。
Foxconn factory, Apple's essential overseas manufacturer as well as the world's largest one of electrical components (notably electrical connectors for computer components], more than 450,000 workers are employed at the Longhua Science & Technology Park, in Shenzhen, sometimes referred to as ''Foxconn City''. The peasant workers are the major labors. This research investigates the urban condition of these Foxconn workers, analyzing their social reproduction in terms of the individual consumption and urban service provided by the ''Foxconn City'' as a whole. And eventually it is identified as a contemporary mutation of ''sweatshop labor'' in the informational society. It might provide a reflexive perspective on laisser-faire policies of housing, also any other kind of collective consumption, as well the role of local state through Foxconn case study. The peasant workers are incapable to enter into the housing market for housing commodity consumption. They either live in dormitory or become a tenant of ''chengzhongcun'' (urban villages, literally: villages in city]. The former, the industrial capital is the monopoly supplier of housing of peasant workers. The dormitory is the efficient management tool for the reproduction of labor power, but also the disciplined space for the second generation of peasant labor. The latter, the heavily populated density and lack public infrastructure in ''chengzhongcun'' make Foxconn labor as the fragmented space in splintering urbanism under social exclusion. The mega settlements in a rapid development process of Foxconn factories and surrounding ''chengzhongcun'' are the cities without citizens. Evermore the Shenzhen government's city planning, purposely for the push of industrial transformation, has induced the gradual formalization of urban informal sectors and the ongoing gentrification of labor neighborhood. Such a social tendency of class recompose upon Foxconn urban landscape, is speeding up the spatial restructuring of Shenzhen ''world factory'' as a whole. And when the Foxconn capitalist promptly responds to the public accusation of ''sweatshop'', by adding the basic wage for their peasant labors, there is meanwhile a counter development of moving their factories to the inland cities of China. Thus they all together have made the peasant labors trapped into a much more exclusive and polarized urban condition.
起訖頁 93-117
關鍵詞 農民工都市集體消費勞動力的社會再生產工人住房政策富士康宿舍城中村peasant laborurban collective consumptionsocial reproduction of laborhousing policyFoxconn dormitories''chengzhongcun''(urban villages]
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 201504 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以保存之名:上海工業遺產再利用的初期觀察




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