國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 Journal of Building and Planning |
201206 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 日常消費的地方連結與脫節:新北市三重區個案研究 The Place Connections and Disconnections through Everyday Consumption: A Case Study of Sanchong, New Taipei City
- 中國建築二元對待空間語法哲學義涵析論--以《周易》為考察核心 The Philosophical Connotation of the Binary Treatment in Chinese Architecture: Take 'Zhou-Yi' as the Core of the Discussion
- 消失的「理想住宅」方案 Disappeared 'Ideal House' Project in Post War Taiwan
- 僑鄉的經濟活動與空間營造:以1928-1937年間金門珠山《顯影》僑刊為例 Interpreting Qiaoxing Economics and Spatial Development: with Family Historical Records of the Zhushan Village in Quemoy, 1928-1937