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國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Interpreting Qiaoxing Economics and Spatial Development: with Family Historical Records of the Zhushan Village in Quemoy, 1928-1937
作者 袁興言鄔迪嘉
歷史中的僑鄉社會,普遍地呈現一種二元性的聚落經濟現象:一方面本地生產不足,人口大量外移;另一方面資金大量回流,建築活動興盛。本研究以金門珠山村為研究對象,應用經濟家族(economic clan)的觀點,分析其聚落歷史空間、僑刊《顯影》、《族譜》及口述訪談素材,提出跨海宗族社會的假說。在這個社會之中,僑鄉建築現象不僅是基於血緣認同而產生的空間文化消費性支出,而是連結僑匯資本與原鄉空間的結構性因素。它以家人住屋及儲蓄性空間資本的雙重面貌,形構了當時跨海宗族社會的重要物質基礎。
There had been a general economical dualism represented the qiaoxing society in the history. On the one hand, the insufficient local productivity caused a great deal of overseas immigration. On the other hand, the flourish building activities resulted from massive capital backflow. As for the research site, this research selected Zhuxan Village on the island of Quemoy. With the analysis of economic clan pespect on its historical village space, local magazine shing, genealogy, and oral history, this paper brought up a hypothesis named trans-ocean lineage society. The meaning of the building activities in qiaoxing is not only represent the spatial culture consumption caused by blood relationship, but also a major constitutive factor which established a link between overseas remittances capital and home village space. These qiaoxing building activities which featured the family houses and deposit space capital had constructed the material base of the trans-ocean lineage society at that time.
起訖頁 65-100
關鍵詞 華僑僑鄉經濟家族qiao(overseas Chinese, Chinese diasporas)qiaoxing(overseas Chinese home places, Chinese diasporas places)economic clan
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 201206 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-上一篇 消失的「理想住宅」方案




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