國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 Journal of Building and Planning |
201006 (15期)期所有篇 |
- 新區域主義、區域治理與長江三角洲城市區域的策略 The City-Region of Yangtze River Delta: New Regionalism, Regional Governance and the Cooperative Strategies
- 文化旅遊與地方發展--以「中國第一水鄉」周莊為例 Cultural Tourism and Local Development: A Case Study of 'No.1 Water Town of China' Zhouzhuang
- 〈考工記〉營國詞語系統考 The Textual Research of the Word's System of City Planning in 'Kaogongji' ('The Artificers' Record')
- 坊市革命以前封閉型里坊、市制與城市特質 The City Characters of the Institution of Enclosure Li-Fang Walled-Ward and Warden-Market before the Chinese Medieval City Revolution