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The City Characters of the Institution of Enclosure Li-Fang Walled-Ward and Warden-Market before the Chinese Medieval City Revolution
作者 劉銘緯賴光邦
三代以來,華夏帝國綿延歷經三千年,而經歷此一程序的中國城市(特指都城),藉由里坊制的制約,次第發展為其特有的封閉特質(Friedmann, 2005),成為華夏城市的城市型態與空間制度的特徵。近代學者發現,唐宋之際曾發生一段「坊市革命」,藉此華夏都城打破上述封閉式的坊市城市結構,城市歷史與城市性質發生重大改變,「城」與「市」自此連綴,逐漸演變成我們熟悉的「城市」型態與都市今貌。筆者為探究中國城市與西方「都市」運作方式與本質不同,則以上述坊市革命「之前」為觀察點,一窺中國城市基礎結構特性,並以常民生活為詮釋基礎,由文化視角建立地方敘事(local narrative),由此理解華夏城市發展的本質與動力。
The foundation of a Chinese walled city which with the outer walls of multi layers as well as the inner enclosure li-fang wards has been lasted over 3000 years and known as the Chinese city characters. The layers of wall not only distinguished between the outer world and the inner world, but also prolong the society of the security, defense, production and collective living demand. Following the Chinese classic literature, the Chinese city hierarchy before Q'in Dynasty , the capital cities' functions are setting up since two important technique of city development, the first is the formation of cities agglomeration, the other is city land's differentiation, most important of all, by the process of historical institutionalization, these has been the Chinese city features formatted chronically during history over 3000 years, such as observable features of the city axis, multiple outer walls and the enclosure walled ward neighborhood system in the inner city (li-fang ward). This paper aims to demonstrate the procedures and to interpret their mutual relations by telling the city technology applied during the cultural process. Far from the western cities, when they once established that in order to become autonomous community which intended to empower themselves in every dimension e.g. economics, political, legislative and judicial power. Nevertheless, in Chinese, the city is formed both to fulfill the Chinese cosmology that follows the Chinese literature that everything should under the highest authority, the power of Heaven, that the king represents. Therefore the emperor has the completely authority of every resource, space and time is definitely inclusive, and also the right to its allocation, geographically and chronically. Such a patrol hierarchical system which may lead to the concentration of political power, in addition to weaken the local powers and finally brings about the local community’s reliance, so that the central authority may take over all the usage of all the limited natural resources and control the reproduction of their social relations. Consequently, the distribution of power of paternalism should be regard as the nature of Chinese city structure.
起訖頁 41-68
關鍵詞 城市制度里坊坊市制城市革命City InstitutionLi-Fang Walled WardWarden-Market InstitutionCity Revolution
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 201006 (15期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-上一篇 〈考工記〉營國詞語系統考




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