國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 Journal of Building and Planning |
200412 (12期)期所有篇 |
- 倫理評價、倫理判斷與行為意圖關係之研究--以不動產仲介從業人員為例 A Study of the Relationship between Ethical Evaluation, Ethical Judgment and Behavior Intention: An Example of Real Estate Market
- 全球經濟中的新空間形式--北台都會區域的歷史性浮現 The New Spatial Form in the Globalizing Economy: A Historical Emergence of the Polycentric Northern Taiwan Metropolitan Region
- Desakota與中國新的都市區域的發展 Desakota, and New Urban Region in Post-Reform China
- 經濟地理學的制度轉向:一個理論性回顧與研究取向的建議 The Institutional Turn in Economic Geography: A Theoretical Review and Suggestion for Further Studies
- 反轉社區規劃的主導權力--文山經驗 Let Community Direct the Planning Efforts: The Wenshan Experience in Taipei