台中都會區零售服務業空間分佈及變遷之研究 A Study on the Changing Spatial Patterns of the Retail-Service Industries in the Taichung Metropolitan Area
住宅研究的社會經濟學取向--以家庭代間移轉為例的考察 The Socio-Economic Approach of Housing Studies: A Case Study of Intergenerational Transfer
越界產銷網絡中農業區域的新挑戰--以台灣花卉產業發展為例 Challenges of Agricultural Regional Planning in Cross-border Production-and-Trade Networks: An Empirical Study of Floriculture Industry in Taiwan
大學校園音環境之現況與特色分析--以國內十所大學為例 The Analysis on the Current Environment Sound Characteristic for the Ten Domestic Universities