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A Study on the Changing Spatial Patterns of the Retail-Service Industries in the Taichung Metropolitan Area
作者 許麗惠
每種產業應會於土地上產生不同的使用分佈狀態,而本研究目的旨在探討「零售服務業」於空間上的分佈狀態,並再加入「時間」概念後,探究不同時期所形成的變遷。故本研究乃藉「空間結構」之探討及「中地理論」隱含的「產業集中性」與「階層分佈」概念,作為本研究立論基礎,配合中華民國工商普查70、75、80、85四個年度之批發業、零售業、餐飲業及倉儲業,採用地方化係數及群落分析法,驗證台中都會區零售服務業空間結構分佈狀態。而獲得研究成果:各零售服務業部分:批發業為都會區中成長最為迅速之行業,而零售業及餐飲業次之,至於,倉儲業則是呈現衰退之趨勢;而整體零售服務業部分:以 75年度至80年度成長最為迅速,但之後則有成長趨緩的現象產生,由此可知,零售服務業於台中都會區中,已有漸趨飽和的狀態產生,並產生去中心化現象,即零售服務業於台中都會區中有均衡發展之情況。至於,階層分佈狀態及變遷情形探討,僅倉儲業未符合中地理論之階層分佈狀態,其餘零售服務業完全符合中地理論之分佈狀態,皆以台中市作為台中都會區最主要中心地;彰化市次之。由上述探討,本研究建議除批發業應往外圍郊區發展外,其餘零售服務業應改善產業呈現衰敗地區的用地發展,並加強目前產業用地之利用,以避免產業呈現擴散發展,而造成用地散漫發展的情況。
Every industrial produces a status of different using distribution in the land. Therefore, it was our interest to investigate into the spatial structure pattern of the retail-service industry of Taichung metropolitan area. This study used the central place theory as the basic model in the investigation of the concentration and hierarchical structure of the retail-service industry. The 1981, 1986, 1991 and 1996 Industry and Business Census data of Taiwan government were used to analyzethe dynamic aspect of the land use changes over time. The industries studied include wholesale, retail, restaurant and storage-houses. The methods used in the analysis were localization coefficient and cluster analysis. The findings of the study are:1. For the individual retail-services, wholesale industry was the fastest growing industries and the restaurant business was next but the storage–house business was deteriorating.2. As far as the whole retail industry was concerned, the fastest growing period was from 1986 to 1991. The growth was tended to deteriorate after 1991. It reflected the fact that the growth of the business had been saturated. In addition, the retail service had been de-centralized and had an equilibrium development in the Taichung metro-area.3. In the hierarchical analysis, all types of businesses followed the patterns of central-place theory except storage-house business. The City of Taichung was the major central place and Chang-Hwa next.With the above findings, the study suggests that except the wholesale business all the retail-service industries should intensify their current industrial land using and avoid the industry developing toward the suburbs to cause the sprawl of urban development.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 零售服務業空間結構中地理論集中性階層分佈retail-service industryspatial structurecentral place theoryconcentrationhierarchical distribution
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 200403 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-下一篇 住宅研究的社會經濟學取向--以家庭代間移轉為例的考察




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