台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature
201512 (30期)期所有篇
《今昔物語集》裡的犬的故事與中國文學 Canine Tales and Chinese Literature in Konjaku Monogatarishu
藤村《異鄉人》中的繪畫──夏凡諾的〈貧窮的漁夫〉所發揮之機制 A Study on the Pictures in Toson Shimazaki's Etranger. Focusing on the Machenism of Chevannes's The Poor Fisherman
《聽風的歌》中之兩義性──「孤立」與「關係建立」 A Study on Ambiguity in Hear the Wind Sing: Focusing on Detachment and Commitment
台灣日語教師的教師自我效能與教學行為之研究──以大學日語教師調查為例 A Study on Teaching Self-Efficacy and Teaching Behavior of Japanese Teachers in Taiwan: Taking College Japanese Teachers for example
松本豐多《四書辨妄》批判服部宇之吉──《漢文大系‧四書》中看到的安井息軒之政治思想 Matsumoto Toyota Shi-Syo Ben-Mou critcized Hattori Unokichi : the Yasui Sokkens political theory in the Kan-Bun- Tai-Kei Shi-Syo