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A Study on the Pictures in Toson Shimazaki's Etranger. Focusing on the Machenism of Chevannes's The Poor Fisherman
作者 范淑文
As most people knows, Toson Shimazakicommitted adultery with his niece(the second daughter of his second brother), Komako, who helped him with housework after his wife passed away. To escape from confrontations, he left Komako and his children behind, and fled to France along in April 1913.His life abroad ended in April 1916,when Toson went back to Japan, and tried to figure out a solution for the relationship. Afterwards, Toson decided to publish theepisode in his new novel, and told publics about hisincestuous affair, which is called“the Sinsei event”. After the Sinsei event went public, Toson started another new work called Étranger, which is regardinghis thoughts and 3-year life in France. In other words, the contents of Étrangercould be deemed as his escape from the incestuous affair, and therefore, bought him some time and space to figure out the final solution. In Toson's time, France is a promised land for all artists. The spirits of art could be felt all over the country. The main character of Étranger, Kishimoto(who actually implies Toson himself), kept close relationships with many artists. Among those descriptions, the artist Chevannes and the scenes that Kishimoto appreciated his art works are with certain implications. This study focused on the implications of this artist, and expected tofigureout how Chevannes's most famous work, The Poor Fisherman, helped Kishimoto solve the Sinsei event , and eventually find his way home.
起訖頁 27-49
關鍵詞 島崎藤村《異鄉人》〈新生事件〉夏凡諾〈貧窮的漁夫〉機制Toson ShimazakiEtrangerShinsei EventChevannesThe Poor FishermanMachenism
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201512 (30期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《今昔物語集》裡的犬的故事與中國文學
該期刊-下一篇 《聽風的歌》中之兩義性──「孤立」與「關係建立」




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