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Matsumoto Toyota Shi-Syo Ben-Mou critcized Hattori Unokichi : the Yasui Sokkens political theory in the Kan-Bun- Tai-Kei Shi-Syo
作者 青山大介
This paper as a part of research on Yasui Sokken (安井息軒:1799-1876) who was the greatest Japanese Han scholar called “the compilation of the study of old Chinese documents in the Edo period”, analyze the “Shi-sho-ben-mou”(四書辨妄) written by his the last student Matsumoto Toyota(松本豊多:1848?-?) in 1991, and clarify the point of Sokken`s political theory. In this book, Toyota had harshly criticized Hattori Unokichi(服部宇之吉:1867-1939)and his “Kan-bun-tai-kei”(漢文大系) vol.1 which included Sokken`s “Shi-syo”(四書) for its annotaitons was not consistent with the Sokken`s really meaning. In conclusion, Sokken thought the moral training (修身) was directly related to the regin(治國) , the “LI-Qi”(理氣) did not intervence between a ruler and his people.The moral training meaned a ruler gained fame as good-natured through the practice of the behaviour in “Qu-Li”(曲禮) , the regin meaned a ruler cured his people of bad habit through a heavy punishment whichbased on his good-will. He emphazed if only a ruler restraints himself and his people doing, he can cultivate their character.
起訖頁 129-160
關鍵詞 安井息軒松本量多服部宇之吉《漢文大象》修身Yasui SokkenMatsumoto ToyotaHattori UnokichiKan-bun-tai-keithe moral training
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201512 (30期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣日語教師的教師自我效能與教學行為之研究──以大學日語教師調查為例




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